LTK 101

I was accepted as an LTK Creator!
It’s been a dream of mine for some time and I didn’t think I would get accepted, but I was approved on my first try! I feel like this further motivates me on my content creator/influencer journey.
So, what is LTK you ask? It stand for Like To Know It and it’s an app that allows creators to monetize their platform. Brands partner with the app and creators are able to share those products with their audience in exchange for a small commission on the total order. There is no cost to the customer; you will only pay for the products you are purchasing (plus any taxes and fees, of course). The brand is responsible for paying the creator on the backend.
As someone that is striving to make influencing a viable stream of income, this app is such a useful tool in making that happen. I’m often asked where I purchase my clothing and beauty products so now I can easily share that information with my audience.
Here’s how to sign up:
Go to your app store and download the app. It’s available on iPhone and Android.
2. Create an account. You can even use Gmail, Apple or Facebook to login.
3. Follow me @beentherestyledthat and any other creators you love!
4. Shop my posts!
It’s a simple way to shop my favorites and support me in the process. In many cases, clothing items I own are old but I can easily recommend similar items for you. I can also link multiple items to one post which creates a better shopping experience.
Now you’ll be seamlessly redirected to the LTK app when I share links on other platforms and you won’t have to worry about missing anything I share! I’ll also share things that other apps won’t always see so be on the lookout!