...and a happy new year
The holidays are over, now what?
I’ve come up with three, simple things to wind down.
I know, I know! You’ve just finished spending money on gifts, travel expenses and other festivities, but now is the best time to purchase décor for next year. Christmas tree ornaments and lights are seasonal items meaning once the season is over, they’ve got to go. Stores will mark these items down 50%-75% off which is a steal. And you’ll already be prepared when Christmas rolls around again; no need to deal with the crowd of people who weren’t as prepared as you. So go ahead, save your coins ahead of time!
Now is also a great time to sort through all of the gifts that you’ve received to determine what to do with them. After Christmas I find myself having to find a new home for some of the items that I’ve received, or they just sit in a pile until I need them (smh!). Take the time to evaluate if the gifts are something you really need or if you can do without. You could exchange them for something else you’d actually use, or possibly donate to someone else in need.
Sit Back
Lastly, just relax! The holiday season is busy for everyone in one way or another; wrapping up the year at work, hopping around to different events, and the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping. I’m claiming a big year for everyone in 2018 so just take some time to chill and reflect. It’s a blessing to have made it this far so live in this moment and rejoice!
What else will you be doing to wind down the holiday season?